Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My Favorite Ted Talks

This is one of my favorite Ted talks.  So no long post for right now, but just something to get back into the groove.  The company I work for recently sent out the link to a ted talk on Stress.  I enjoyed the video and it got me thinking of my favorite Ted talks and I can't resist re-sharing my number favorite talk till date.  

The concept of continuous improvement is great in theory, but tough to implement.  In addition to constantly being aware of good things to learn, we also have to continusly critically assess our selves to determine the gaps to work on. It's one thing to go to one extreme or the other... ie - "I have no faults to work on", or "I am terrible and have to work on everything". I guess the secret lies in finding the right balance!

My Favorite Ted Talk - How great leaders inspire action

Another great talk - How to make stress your friend